Should I eat before I train?

Knowing what to consume for workouts is a big question that we see come through multiple times a week, and for good reason. What we eat pre- and post-training will make quite a big difference to how we feel and perform, both during and for the remainder of the day. However, it greatly depends on how your body responds to certain foods and what you’ve consumed the night before. 

If training first thing in the morning – quite often, people don’t feel as though they can stomach anything when rushing to the gym first thing in the morning. That is totally fine. However, if that is the case, then ensuring you’re loaded up with a good quality meal the night before with a relatively even amount of protein, fats, and carbs will leave you with a little more glycogen stored in reserve, that can be utilised as your energy source for your morning training session. 

If you are training first thing in the morning but feel you’re struggling to work at your best within your session. Aim for a small serving of carbohydrates before the session with some protein or fat. Having a small snack prior ensures the carbs will be best utilised for energy within the session and give you the extra kick your body could be searching for. This could be as simple as half a banana with some almond milk in your coffee. 

If you are a lunchtime-evening trainer, having a substantial meal or snack 2-3 hours before your session will be critical. Sticking to easier-to-digest carbohydrates such as sweet potato or rice will leave you feeling a little less heavy. Be conscious of fibre intake too close before hitting the gym, as this can often cause some stomach upset. 

Do you have any specific questions about your food intake around training? Comment below or get in touch with us directly at [email protected]

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