Get to know the founders: Matt & Josh.

Get to know our founders Matt & Josh! Matt and Josh both live super healthy, active lives – however this stemmed from years of habit building and learning along the way. 

Q: How did you become interested in health and fitness?

Matt: When I was younger, the only thing I felt I was interested in at school was sport and studying exercise and the human body. I played a lot of sports throughout high school and when leaving high school – went on to study and did an internship at the strength and conditioning team with Watford Football Club, which are a premier league football team. This accelerated my passion and desire to create a career in health and fitness. 

Josh: Similar to Matt, I struggled to find passion or interest in anything that wasn’t related to sports in some way. It felt as though my life was going to be sitting behind a computer – until I realised it could be much more. 

Q: How many times a week do you train, and what does your training look like?

Matt: 4 x strength and maybe 1 conditioning and sport 2-3 x per week. I try to save the conditioning for the sport as well as I find this the most enjoyable. 

Josh: I train 9 – 10 x per week. This is broken up into 4 – 5 strength sessions, tennis 1-2 x per week and 3- 4 runs. I keep my strength sessions super low heart rate and try to save my intensity for the tennis court or running. 

Q3: What are your symptoms of burnout? When do you know you’re close to the edge?

Matt: I start to feel as though I don’t have enough time to do anything, besides not making time for things that are important to me. General sense of apathy towards tasks or a lack of urgency. Even though I know tasks are important to me. Immunity starts to take a hit too. 

Josh: I start to not look forward to work, and dread training rather than look forward to it. My wife will say I’m slightly more irritable. 

Q4: What do you do to wind down/relax in the week? Is it something that you schedule in or do you wait until you need it? 

Josh: I don’t do anything after 7pm, as that’s my time to wind down. Unless there’s something I need to send urgently. I also always give myself a bit of time on a Thursday or a Friday afternoon to do something for myself, such as going in the ocean or a sauna, or walking the dog on my own. 

Matt: Crack a bottle of red on a Friday night (woops). Make sure that I’ve factored in time for sport and connection with friends outside of work and family. 

Q5: What is your favourite go to healthy dinner during the week? 

Josh: At the start of the week ill make a big tray of roast veggies so it’s ready to go. Then I’ll add protein and fat/carbs as I go. I find this the easiest way to stay consistent. I also love a big bowl of oats in the mornings with all of the toppings. 

Matt: SIM salad bowls! A base of cos lettuce, a rice or quinoa mix, 2 cans of sardines, cucumber, capsicum, any leftover veggies from the night before, dressed with a tbsp of hummus, some feta cheese and coconut aminos. 

Q6: What would be your advice for anyone looking to make long lasting changes to their health?

Josh: Keep showing up. Take a balanced approach and don’t try and rush it. 

Matt: Don’t try to turn the boat around too quickly. Doing something is better than doing nothing. 

What is your favourite podcast? 

Josh: The short history of. 

Matt: Tailenders or diary of a CEO. 

How has your training changed as you’ve gotten older?

Josh: I’m way more efficient with my time and in each discipline i’ll attach myself to people who are slightly better than me, so I learn as I get dragged along. I always like to be the worst or least fit person on the court. 

Matt: My ego has changed a lot around what I lift. And how I approach strength training. Preparation is important, but so is consistency and I know I have to listen to my body more and align my training a bit more with how my body is feeling, rather than what I’ve just put into the schedule. My training now is more focused on keeping me athletic and keeping me in the park so I can continue to play sport, rather than trying to prove to others how fit and strong I am.

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